Thursday, May 26, 2011

weirdy McBeardy

So my stupid blogspot quicklink stopped working so sorry for not posting. Ignoring my people is not my style haha like I have  people. Anyhow, so yesterday I stayed at about 600 calories and worked out  so hard I started dry heaving. It was awesome. Today, I got sick at work, which is probably good because my fat ass couldn't stop grazing. I weighed myself this morning. Still have only lost a pound this month. But that's to be expected since I binged so much. I'm gonna stay in bed the rest of the night and drink only water. I feel really awful sick. I will post if I start to feel the urge to binge or if anything interesting happens. Work was really stupid. I had a dream about Chris... so naturally this morning I was in the mood to party with him tonight... I think he is dating someone though and I don't want  to cramp his style. It was a good dream :/
I cried today at work talking about Sam. I've been crying a lot more lately... ugh. I don't want to talk about this.  I'm just gonna lay in bed all day and watch Buffy on netflix.

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