Thursday, April 12, 2012

f u c k

I weighed-in today. I'm 6lbs fatter than two weeks ago. Fuck fuck figgity fuck. I got my miracle noodles in today. Didn't know they would be in water so that was a whoa moment. I should get my walden farms later this week. I'm fasting tomorrow. Try to get these fucking 8 lbs off so I can be under 200lbs. Disgusting. I can't believe I gained all this weight. I am so ready to be thin. I will be at the VERY least 20lbs thinner before I go home. I also did Jillian Michael's 30 day shred today, with the sauna suit on, bc I'm too fat to be fuckin around. I will be doing it at 6am tomorrow and if I don't work I will do it again tomorrow during the day.
As cra-cra as Michelle is, she def understands my weight-loss struggle. She was fat too once. She gets it. I've been watching Ruby and Heavy. I hope I can lose 10lbs this week. All detox diet. Only, I am allowing myself caffeine - diet coke and coffee and green tea. And working out every day at least once no matter what. I need this.

if you  feel hungry, you're doing it right

stop eating

if it was easy we'd all look like this

75% of women are  on a diet... the other 25% are fat ugly and alone

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